CSCE 452/752 Robotics and Spatial Intelligence, Fall 2024
1. Introduction
What is a robot?
Weasel words
The editors of Wikipedia had extreme difficulty coming to a
consensus on the definition.
From one of the pioneers of robotics
You can't define a robot. It's the same as trying to define Mt.
Fuji. If a steep hill suddenly protrudes from the flatland, you can
draw a line to show where the mountain starts, but Mt Fuji becomes
higher so gradually that you can't draw a line. Robots are like Mt.
Fuji. It's hard to separate what is a robot from what is not. Asimo
is so near the peak, anyone can easily call it a robot. But what
about a dishwasher? It can automatically wash dishes, so you might
call it a robot. The line is blurry.
– Masahiro Mori
[RAS Magazine, June 2012]
Some defining characteristics
The word “robot” can be surprisingly difficult to define.
However, there are some important
defining characteristics to look
- Autonomous: A robot must make its own decisions.
- Sensor-driven: A robot needs to collect information about its environment.
- Physical: The real world is complicated and unpredictable.
- Goal-achieving: A robot should do something useful.
[Mataric, The Robotics Primer]
The State of Robotics: Rapid Progress, But a Long Way to Go
[Amazon Robotics]
[Independent Robotics]
The Fundamental Problem
A robot relies on its
sensors and
actuators to
interact with the world...
...but the world is complex and unpredictable.
...and the hardware is often limited or unreliable.
The Fundamental Problem
Robotics problems exist at the intersection
action, and
Example: Parallel parking
Core problems: Navigation and motion planning
Get from here to there.
[Choset+, ch 2]
[J. Cortes, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse]
Core problems: Localization and mapping
Where am I? What is around me?
Core problems: Manipulation
Grasp, transport, assemble, or disassemble objects in the environment.
Core problems: Exploration and coverage
Move to see or touch everything in the environment.